The best paying countries for nursing

The best paying countries for nursing

In the midst of the current reality, the relevance of professional care has finally been understood as a fundamental piece in the gradual reconstruction of a world that, without a doubt, will not be like before. In this article you will know the countries that best pay the career nursing.

The health crisis caused by the covid-19 pandemic revealed a problem that had been anticipated for some years, the small number of nursing personnel around the world. This forced the opening of calls in health centers, including foreign professionals, in order to provide a rapid response to the high volume of patients admitted daily requiring medical care in an effective manner.

Simultaneously, the work of nurses finally obtained the recognition and admiration that it has always deserved, since it is a profession that, beyond the knowledge of its own field, bases its practice on altruism and an attitude of service for the welfare of communities.

These are the countries that pay the best nursing:


According to the most recent data from the Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL), six nursing specialties are among the 18 most in-demand roles in Australia.

Also, due to the high demand for the profession in this country, a nurse can receive, on average, more than 56,000 dollars annually. However, these incomes may be higher according to the level of work and responsibilities reached within the organization.

New Zealand

This country provides opportunities for nursing professionals in the two structures that make up its efficient public and private health system. However, the former is responsible for covering the health services of 83% of the population, as they have more than 220 public hospitals.

Thanks to the current high demand and the number of fields in which nursing can be practiced in the oceanic country (more than 40), the annual income of a professional can average between 25,000 and 40,000 dollars.


Known for its efficient and organized health system, Canada is also characterized by offering guarantees and benefits to workers in this field who work in its territory. One of them is the Provisional Nomination, which allows professionals to apply for permanent residence if there is an intention to settle in the long term. This benefit is extended to spouse and children.

In addition to the possibilities mentioned, the income of a nurse in the neighboring country averages 47,000 dollars a year.

United States

With more than three million registered nurses at the beginning of 2020, the United States had to increase the demand for professionals due to the covid-19 pandemic. Regardless of the situation, nursing has always been characterized by receiving excellent income compared to other countries, 74,000 dollars per year on average. California, Hawaii, Washington D.C., Massachusetts and Oregon top the list of states where nurses are paid the best.

It is not a coincidence that the countries that pay the best for a nursing degree are those that, little by little, have recovered normality as we knew it . This coupled with efficient vaccination plans and responsibility in personal care.

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