When a critical incident involves responses from a variety of personnel, a Crisis Center will be established in the President’s office. The President will assign the Center Head of the Crisis Center when a situation arises. The Center head is responsible for gathering any documents and/or gear necessary
Examples: Buildings, grounds, automobiles.
Severe Weather (i.e., tornados)
Tornado watch – Indicates that conditions are right for a tornado to develop and that the sky and public information system should be monitored.
Tornado warning – Indicates a tornado has been sighted or is indicated on radar and confirmed by spotters.
When a tornado warning is received by way of siren or public broadcast, Atlantis University faculty and staff will ensure that all persons with disabilities are evacuated to designated safety areas first, along with other students and visitors.
If a designated safety area cannot be reached, move away from windows to an inside hall or take cover under desks or tables.
Protect yourself by
Power outage
If an electric power outage occurs, the following procedures need to be taken:
Criminal disturbance
Bomb threats
Disruptive behavior
Immediately report all cases of criminal mischief, disorderly conduct, or disruptive behavior to the School President or Director of Operations.
Make written documentation of the incident.
Immediately call the School President or Director of Operations.
Unusual behavior
Recognize the ability of the disturbed person to deal rationally with his/her behavior is limited; therefore:
Minor First Aid
For the treatment of minor injuries not requiring the services of a physician or registered professional personnel under the standing orders of a physician, a Red Cross First Aid Kit is maintained in the ladies restroom with band aids and supplies for minor injuries.
Evacuation procedures
In the situation where a building must be evacuated, evacuation routes are posted in the hallways of the buildings. For instructors, follow the path indicated unless it endangers you or your students. Be aware of alternate routes to leave your building. Once outside, assemble the group to account for your students. Shut doors behind you as you leave, ensuring all students are out of the room/building.
n the event staff should have to evacuate a facility, they are to close their office doors behind them and exit according to the posted evacuation routes, unless they are blocked or unsafe.
Evacuation routes are posted in the halls of the buildings. All staff should familiarize themselves with alternate routes from their office to the outside. In the event of a tornado, staff should move to the interior offices and protect themselves, if possible.
Lockdown procedures
The lockdown process will only be initiated with the approval of the School President or Director of Operations.
Lockdown is intended to limit access and hazards by controlling and managing staff and students in order to increase safety and reduce possible victimization.
Lockdown basics
Emergency response and evacuation drills
Atlantis University conducts a test of the emergency response and evacuation procedure at least once a term. The test is unannounced to the students and takes place at a time when most of the students, faculty and staff are expected to be present on campus. An emergency response log is maintained in the President’s Office and includes the date, time and whether the drill was announced or unannounced.