Students and employees should refer to the designated Atlantis University Campus Security Individual or agency when reporting or seeking help on a criminal incident to:
1. Who to contact to report an incident at the Institution: Director of Operations.
2. Local law enforcement agency to report an incident that occurred off campus: Call 911.
3. List agencies and contacts in your local area that can provide assistance to anyone who believes they are a victim and might need assistance: Call 911.
Who to contact
All employees are expected to be familiar with and to follow procedures outlined in the Atlantis University Critical Response Plan.
In the case of an emergency or immediate or perceived threat toward the students and/or employees, or immediate or perceived threat toward any other person on the school premises, the employee is authorized to make an emergency call to 911.
Instructors (including student instructors) and/or staff members should remain in the room with their students if they are notified of a possible emergency. As soon as is reasonably possible, the Administration should be notified of the threat.
Medical attention
Anything requiring more than minor attention is to be referred to the local hospital. Except in cases of severe illness or medical emergencies, students are considered mature enough to seek appropriate relief such as returning home, visiting the restroom, or seeking medical help.
No safety rule is a complete substitute for common sense, nor can safety rules be devised to cover every situation you experience. For these reasons, good judgment must be used in every situation. Each person is responsible for the following:
Individual responsibility
Follow the approved practices and procedures or standards which apply, on any work you perform for the school.
Use only the appropriate protective equipment and devices. Use such equipment or devices whenever the hazard justifies their use or when so instructed by your supervisor.
It is the responsibility of everyone to make frequent inspections of tools and other equipment used to make sure such tools and equipment are in good physical condition.
Report to your supervisor or instructor any condition which might injure any person or damage any property. The hazard should also be pointed out to others exposed to it in order to correct or avoid it before an accident occurs.
Any injury which occurs at school, no matter how slight, or any accident that causes damage to property shall be reported immediately to the School President. All injuries and accidents should be reported to the supervisor or instructor by the end of the day.
If anyone observes another who is about to endanger themselves, another person, or property while at the school, they should intervene immediately in such a way as to not endanger themselves.
Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on the school property and use of such is prohibited. No one is to report for work or class evidencing any effects of alcoholic consumption.
Controlled substances, such as marijuana and cocaine, are illegal by state and federal law. Their use and possession are prohibited on school property.
Liquids such as water or oil, excessive dust/dirt, or any other debris spilled on floors represent serious slipping hazards and should be cleaned up immediately upon observation.
Accident investigation and reporting
Anyone who suffers an injury during school shall promptly report such injury to the supervisor or instructor no later than the end of the period on the day in which the injury occurred.
Every accident shall be investigated to determine the cause and the steps needed to prevent a recurrence.
It shall be the responsibility of the supervisor or instructor to obtain the complete and detailed facts of the accident as soon as possible after it occurs and to see that the required reports are made to the administration.
Firearms, ammunition, explosives or other weapons are prohibited on the school property.
Exceptions to this policy are limited to the following instances: law enforcement agencies in performance of their normal duties may carry firearms on school property.
Good housekeeping
Good housekeeping is essential to safe operation. It will result in fewer accidents and will reduce fire hazards.
Oil and chemical spills should be cleaned up promptly to eliminate slipping and fire hazards. All work areas must be kept free of tools, materials, draped hoses, extension cords, and other objects which create hazards.
Cleaning up the area where you are working is part of the job. A job is not completed until the area is cleaned up.
Fire prevention
Everyone should exercise good judgment and conduct themselves in a manner that would prevent fires while on school property.
No one should smoke in areas where “No Smoking” signs are posted, or where hazards from smoking exist.
If a fire should occur, contact your supervisor or instructor or the School President.
Stay calm. If the fire is small, select the proper extinguisher and attack the fire (if this can be done safely).
The following chart describes the different types of fires normally encountered and the proper extinguisher to use in each case.
Types of fires: Ordinary combustible materials such as paper, wood, and trash.
Types of extinguisher and agent: Water (preferred) and multi-purpose.
Types of fires: Flammable liquid and gases such as gasoline, lubricating oils and natural gas.
Types of extinguisher and agent: Dry chemical (preferred) and carbon dioxide.
Types of fires: Electrical such as electronic instruments and switchgear installations.
Types of extinguisher and agent: Carbon dioxide (preferred) and dry chemical.
Storage of flammable liquids
Metal containers and/or safety cans equipped with flame arresters and spring actuated caps should be used for the storage and handling of all flammable liquids with a flashpoint of less than 100 degree F.
If (in the judgment of the President or administrator in charge) the threat of impending danger warrants it, the following actions may be taken:
Dismissal of all classes and assembly of students and employees into interior hallways and away from glass windows, doors and partitions.
Everyone should remain in these “safe” areas until in the opinion of the President the threat of danger is past.
If the tornado or destructive wind strikes the building, everyone should sit on the floor, with backs against the wall, their heads between their knees, and their hands clasped over the backs of their heads until all danger is past.
Because of the elevation of the school, Atlantis University is not likely to flood. However, during periods of flooding, the President will remain in contact with appropriate authorities and will keep both students and employees advised of local road conditions.
Closing the school as the result of severe weather
Only the Director of Operations as the authority to close the school. When this action is taken, the President will notify the students and faculty. In addition, it will be posted on the school’s website and the local radio station will be notified and asked to broadcast the notice of closing.Self-determination policy
No student will attempt to attend class and no employee will report to work if, by their opinion or by the warning of law enforcement officials, travel conditions in their area are unsafe (or if other circumstances would place their lives/health in jeopardy).
Emergency evacuation
During an emergency evacuation, each instructor is responsible for the safe and orderly evacuation of his/her class. Instructors not in class should assist with any evacuation problems that may arise. It is the instructor’s responsibility to prevent panic, control traffic, and provide calm leadership. The following guidelines should be observed:
Instructors should know the shortest route from the classroom to the nearest exit.
When the need to evacuate the building arises, the class should be directed to move single-file through the nearest exit and well beyond the building to an area of safety.
The instructor should be last to leave in order to check that all students are out of the classroom and to close the door.
Never return to the building until instructed to do so by the appropriate authorities.