This institution does not employ campus security personnel but encourages both its employees and students to immediately report suspected criminal activity or other emergencies to the nearest available campus security officer, or institutional official and/or in the event of an emergency, to directly contact local law enforcement or other emergency response agencies by dialing (911).
All students and employees are required to report any crime or emergency to their institutional officials promptly. If a student or employee wishes to report a crime on a voluntary or confidential basis, the institutional official will be prepared to record and report the crime, but not the name of the informant.
The student or employee may, in order to maintain confidentiality, submit the information in writing to his/her institutional official without signature. If the student wishes not to maintain confidentiality, the student will contact his/her teacher or school official who in turn will contact the nearest supervisor to report criminal actions or emergencies to the appropriate agency by calling (911).
Preparation for the Annual Disclosure of Crime Statistics report is obtained by the institution’s President who contacts the correct police department District for statistics and the institution’s “Daily Incident Log”, and then records those statistics.
Only students, employees and other parties having business with this institution should be on institutional property. Visitors must sign in at the entrance and identify their purpose of visit, the person to be visited and register their time in and out of the building.
The visitor must also wear a visitor’s badge while on campus. All rear access doors leading to the campus are closed and locked during evening hours starting at 6:00 pm.
When the school closes for the night, the school’s official or supervisor will inspect the school to see that it is empty and then set the alarms, and then lock down the campus. Other individuals present on institutional property at any time without the express permission of the appropriate institutional official(s) shall be viewed as trespassing and may as such be subject to a fine and/or arrest.
In addition, students and employees present on institutional property during periods of non-operation without the express permission of the appropriate institutional official(s) shall also be viewed as trespassing and may also be subject to a fine and/or arrest.
Current policies concerning campus law enforcement are as follows:
Though this institution does not offer regularly scheduled crime awareness or prevention programs, students are encouraged to exercise proper care in seeing to their own personal safety and the safety of others. The following is a description of policies, rules, and programs designed to inform students and employees about the prevention of crimes on campus.
The institution does not offer regularly scheduled crime awareness or prevention programs other than orientation where all the institution’s policies and regulations are properly disclosed to prospective students.
All incidents are recorded in the Institution’s “Daily Incident Log” located on campus at the Administration Office of the School President. The log includes the date, time, location, incident reported, disposition of incident, and the name of the person who took the report. The report must be entered in the log within two (2) business days after it is reported to the school’s official unless that disclosure is prohibited by law, which would endanger the confidentiality of the victim.
This institution does not permit the sale, possession, or consumption of alcoholic beverages on school property and adheres to and enforces all state underage drinking laws. The institution does not permit the possession, use, or sale of illegal drugs by its employees and students and adheres to and enforces all state and Federal drug laws. The violations of these policies by students or employees may result in expulsion, termination, and/or arrest.
Information concerning drug and alcohol abuse education programs is posted on campus and distributed annually to students and staff. (Institutions are advised to make available to students and staff members information on an agency that provides counseling and help on drug and alcohol abuse education).
Sexual assaults (criminal offenses) on campus will be reported immediately to the institution’s official, who will report it to (911) emergency and police units. The person who was victimized will be encouraged to seek counseling at a rape crisis center and to maintain all physical evidence until such a time as that person can be properly transported to a hospital or rape crisis center for proper treatment. This institution has zero tolerance of such assault; the violation of this policy by students or employees may result in expulsion, while investigations are being followed, termination and/or arrest.
The Institution encourages all students and employees to be responsible for their own security and the security of others. Please report any known criminal offenses occurring on campus to the school administration.
In the event a sex offense should occur on campus, the victim should take the following steps:
As part of the Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, the institution is required to make the following link/information available to the campus community where information can be accessed regarding registered sex offenders. Link: General Information on Campus Security
Support services
Atlantis University is committed to helping students achieve their academic and professional goals. Students with issues of a personal nature will be referred to local public or private agencies for professional assistance. In addition, the institution has programs to prevent dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Provisions exist as follows: