Credit transfer can be a confusing and complicated task, but it’s worth the effort and time. By going through the transfer of credit and evaluation process, a student may graduate in less time.
This means that if a class is transferred, students will no longer have to attend the class or take the exam of that particular course. Those credit hours are also exempted from your overall fee.
We’re happy to evaluate earned credits from other institutions. However, it is up to the receiving institution to accept or deny credits. Please follow the following process if you wish for the univeristy to evaluate your earned credits:
1. Check if your previous study is eligible for credit transfer.
2. See how much credit can be transferred into your chosen Atlantis University qualification.
3. Send an official copy of your transcript to our Academic Department for review.
4. Complete the corresponding paperwork for each transfer course.
5. Wait for our notification on how many credits have been awarded toward your degree.
Credits may be granted for our undergraduate students when they complete a minimum 25% of an undergraduate program at Atlantis University. And for graduate degrees, when they complete at least 50% of a graduate program with us.
You may receive credit for already earned IT or Business certifications equivalent to Atlantis University courses. Take into account that credit for certifications will only apply for degree programs, and may be granted only for certifications earned within the last six years.
To apply for this type of credit, follow the same steps as above.
As a recipient of the Veterans Administration benefits, you’re responsible for reporting all education and training. Then, we evaluate and may grant credit with the training time shortened, the tuition reduced proportionately, and the Veteran Administration and the student notified.
To evaluate your credits, we utilize the American Council of Education (ACE) guide for the evaluation of educational experiences in the Armed Services.
A written notice must be provided to Atlantis University requesting a transfer.
Written confirmation must be received from the receiving school indicating acceptance.
A $1,000.00 non-refundable I-20 transfer fee must be paid to Atlantis University if the student requests to transfer out prior to starting classes or during the first semester. This fee must be paid prior to the I-20 transfer; otherwise, the I-20 will be canceled.
Students must obtain administrative clearance and have no outstanding balances with the University.